New Final Fantasy Adventure Game Is A Remake For PS Vita And Smartphone
Added: 16.09.2015 17:17 | 43 views | 0 comments
Its recently been revealed that Square Enix are working on a new Final Fantasy Adventure game for PlayStation Vita, and the company revealed that its actually a remake of the first game in the series, and also for smartphone.
| My three cents on why Final Fantasy XIII is a bad game
Added: 16.09.2015 16:17 | 10 views | 0 comments
Eyes on FF: "I know this topic has been done to death over the last couple of years, but since I have quite recently just beat FFXIII for the first time, I was thinking it might be appropriate to start this topic again. Keep in mind I've only started XIII-2 now, and have yet to play LR, and I do believe those games will be better, but just bear with me for a while and try not to spoil too much."
| The Rising Tide of MMO Elitism
Added: 16.09.2015 14:17 | 67 views | 0 comments
Bit Cultures writes: I love MMOs. Ive been playing them for almost a decade. My first MMO was Final Fantasy XI, but since then Ive run the gamut. WoW, SWTOR, Warhammer Online, Guild Wars 2, Tera, Wildstar you name it, Ive played it. While some MMOs may do things better than others, I cant help but keep coming back to Warcraft. It may not be the best MMO in all regards, but its certainly my favorite. I love the game, I really do, but theres one thing about it that just makes me sick to my stomach: the elitist culture.
| Updated release date and more details listed for the Final Fantasy Box Set 2: Official Game Guide
Added: 16.09.2015 10:21 | 29 views | 0 comments
An updated release date, as well as additional details, have been listed for the upcoming Final Fantasy Box Set 2: Official Game Guide.
| PlayStation VR Demos for PS4 Get New Screenshots: Final Fantasy XIV, Danganronpa and More
Added: 16.09.2015 5:17 | 13 views | 0 comments
After its Tokyo Game Show press conference in which Project Morpheus was renamed PlayStation VR, Sony Computer Entertainment distributed a press kit including the first screenshots of some of the demos that have been created by Japanese studios.
| Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Review
Added: 16.09.2015 0:00 | 53 views | 0 comments
Heavensward offers tremendous additions and it’s one of the best things to bear the Final Fantasy name in years.
| World of Final Fantasy (PS4, Vita) Video From Sony's TGS Presser
Added: 15.09.2015 11:24 | 32 views | 0 comments
World of Final Fantasy will be coming to PS4 and Vita. That is all.
[Thanks, PSLS]
| The Gamesmen, Episode 87 The Power Outlet Tree
Added: 15.09.2015 5:17 | 92 views | 0 comments
Join Amras89 and Hardlydan for game talk and fun! This time, The Gamesmen talk about Sony at EGX, more progress with Twitch Plays Dark Souls, Directx 12 on Xbox One, Disney Infinity 3.0 ripping off Splatoon, Final Fantasy V coming to Steam, Rares Sea of Thieves, StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void release date, and Three Dog appearance in Fallout 4. Games discussed are Fallout Shelter, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Mad Max, and Assassins Creed: Rogue.
Tags: Games, Power, Daly, Infinite, With, Xbox, Disney, Disney Infinity, Fantasy, StarCraft, John, Episode, Final, Final Fantasy, Assassins, Soul, Plane, Legacy, Crabs, Witcher
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